

基于项目管理或产品管理的专业化组织 生活思索


科技公司核心人才的能力组成应该是 T 型的,而这个 T 型能力组成结构,最早源于丰田的总工程师制度。驾驭复杂度,这正是工程问题的本质。

When we’ve gone to Germany, until very recently, we’ve found a reverse distortion of value specification. For much of the post– World War II era, executives of private or bank-controlled companies could ignore the need for short-term financial performance and were eager to tell us all about their products and process technologies. Even the most senior executives could go into great detail about product features and new processing methods which had taken years to perfect.
But who specified their value? The engineers running the companies! Designs with more complexity produced with ever more complex machinery were asserted to be just what the customer wanted and just what the production process needed.
——Lean Thinking

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